About us 

Safer Consumer Products
The Safer Consumer Products (SCP) Program implements California’s Green Chemistry Law which aims to reduce toxic chemicals in consumer products. The SCP regulations require manufacturers to look for safer alternatives for potentially hazardous products.
How can responsible entities use CalSAFER?
A responsible entity is defined as a manufacturer, importer, assembler, or retailer, who is responsible for complying with the SCP regulations. responsible entites can use CalSAFER to submit any of the notifications or reports associated with compliance.
CalSAFER is a data management system maintained by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). It operates as the information center for the regulatory activities of the Safer Consumer Products Program (SCP).
How can Stakeholders use CalSAFER?
A Stakeholder is defined as the public and/or an organization who is interested in the program’s activities and rulemaking processes. Stakeholders can use CalSAFER to provide the Department feedback through submission of comments and petitions. View our Regulations Here

To learn more visit the SCP Home Page and email us at: SaferConsumerProducts@dtsc.ca.gov