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Status: Under Review [Not Started]
Due Date: {{caseDetail.data.formattedWorkflowDueDate}} [Not Assigned]
Priority Product: {{caseDetail.data.priorityProduct}} [No Priority Product]
ID: #{{caseDetail.data.CaseGroupWorkflowID}}
ID: #{{caseDetail.data.RID}}-{{caseDetail.data.CaseGroupWorkflowID}}
Responsible Entity: {{caseDetail.data.responsibleEntity}} [No Responsible Entity]
Submit Date: {{caseDetail.data.formattedSubmitDate}} [Not Submitted]
DTSC Notes: {{caseDetail.data.DtscNotes}} [No DTSC Notes]
DTSC Responses
Name: {{x.Name}}
Date: {{x.Date}}
Response Type Name: {{x.FormattedResponseType}}

Name: {{x.Name}}
Date: {{x.Date}}
Response Type Name: {{x.FormattedResponseType}}

Would you like to start a new Priority Product Notification or continue one of your {{caseDetail.data.startedPPNs.length}} already started Priority Product Notifications?
Would you like to start a new Priority Product Notification or continue your already started Priority Product Notification?
All users have certified this submittal.
By clicking "Yes" this will be sent to the Department of Toxic Substances Control for review and you will no longer be able to make any further changes.

Your submittal has been successfully sent.

Your comment was successfully submitted.
DTSC will briefly review your comment before publishing it to the CalSAFER website.

In order to start this submittal, you must first submit a Priority Product Notification. Click the "Start New" button to start a new Priority Product Notification, or the "Continue Existing" button to go to your Activities and page and continue a Priority Product Notification previously started.
